Meet the Pan Macedonian Federation of S.A

In 1956, the first Greek Macedonian Brotherhood in S.A was established under the title Makedoniki Adelfotita NA ‘O Megas Alexandros’ (Macedonian Brotherhood of SA ‘Alexander the Great’). The Macedonian Greek Brotherhood was instrumental in the establishment of the Dimitria Festival in Australia – using the Dimitria Festival of Byzantine Thessaloniki as inspiration – with its inaugural festival taking place in October 1979.

At the beginning of 1970 four Macedonian Greek Societies and Brotherhoods of S.A; Megas Alexandros, Flambouro, the Pontian Brotherhood and Pavlos Melas, formed the Pan Macedonian Federation of SA. By 1989, after wanting to increase its membership base, the number increased to seven organisations.


Today, the Pan Macedonian Federation of S.A comprises five Societies and Brotherhoods; Brotherhood of Alexander the Great, Halkidikeon Society ‘Aristotle’, Kastorian Society of S.A, Brotherhood of Pavlos Melas and the Pierikos Society of S.A.

Our mission is to promote the educational, cultural, social, patriotic and religious interests of persons living in  Australia who are of Greek heritage and who were born or are descendants of persons born  in the region of Macedonia, Greece. From a community perspective, to foster cooperation and communication with other Federations and Associations of Greeks  from Macedonia in Greece and internationally, as well as with other Federations and  Associations with similar interests.

Brotherhood of
Alexander the Great

The Brotherhood of Alexander the Great was the first Macedonian Association to be formed in South Australia, in October 1956.  Its Constitution was registered and the Association became incorporated in 1958.
The organisation’s community driven support structure extended to social initiatives such as regular community dances, sporting groups, dance groups and theatre productions, all geared towards promoting our rich culture and Hellenic heritage.
Beyond sharing our passion for Hellenic culture, giving back to the community is part of our overarching mission by undertaking philanthropic work to assist the less fortunate and the needy. Notable achievements are sponsoring a child from ZIMBABWE and maintaining all costs until the child was 16 and attending high school. We also raised funds to promote the education of Modern Greek at tertiary institutions.
Alexander the Great stands tall in its achievements, with over 50 years of active service to the community.

Halkidikeon Society 'Aristotle'

In 1973, a passionate group of individuals established the Halkidikeon Society ‘Aristotle’. Their mission was to provide support, education and cultural activities to maintain cultural traditions, and participate in cultural events for young Greek migrant families in Adelaide.
The great philosopher Aristotle, who was born in central Macedonia, has a permanent connection to our organisation, culminating in commissioning the bronze bust of Aristotle at Flinders University in 2012. Positioned in the plaza, adjacent to the university library, the bust of Aristotle is an inspiration to the students of our heritage, and a very proud achievement for this Society.
Our vision to support the Greek community in South Australia has primarily extended to sponsorship of Modern Greek studies at Flinders University for gifted students, which continues to this day, made possible through our close connection with LOGOS Australian Centre for Hellenic Language and Culture.

Kastoria Society of S.A

The mission of the Kastorian Society of South Australia Inc is to connect members with their Kastorian roots. Established in 1968, the founding members were passionate about passing down their Kastorian heritage to future generations.
Community activities centred around preserving the richness of the Kastorian and Greek cultural heritage through recreational, educational and social support initiatives. Part of the preservation of Kastorian culture includes developing a strong philanthropic arm, most notably raising money for a much needed ambulance for the region of Kastoria, Greece.
Welcoming new migrants and helping them connect with the community is still at the heart of the Kastoria Society, as connection with the motherland by passing on to the third generation is a core value of the organisation. The founding members’ vision for the organisation came full circle in 2011, with the passing of the torch to the next generation of committee members.

Brotherhood of Pavlos Melas

The Brotherhood of Pavlos Melas was established in October 1963 by a group of like minded families to spread unity amongst the Greek community and to share the cultural traditions, ideals and spiritualism of Northern Macedonia with the wider South Australian community.
The Brotherhood was formed with the mission of not only keeping families of Northern Greece together, but also to help in charitable ways where they can in both Greece and Australia.
The support to new migrants that the Pavlos Melas community offered will always be the bedrock of the Brotherhood. The ties shared between its loyal members have stood the test of time, with the next generation of committee members continuing the vision shared by Pavlos Melas’ founding members.
Community initiatives have made sure the culture, educational, artistic and entertainment of Northern Macedonia are alive and well amongst the South Australian community, and passed on to young and older Greeks, further fusing the bonds of the homeland.

Pierikos Society of S.A

Pierikos Society was established in 1976 by 93 migrants who for a better life made Australia their new home. The first committee was formed under the presidency of Stelios Gerovasilis. Our constitution was soon established.

The majority of the members were migrants who came to Australia from the Province of Pieria, Macedonian, Greece. The first Pierikos event was a dinner dance in 1976, where popular Greek singer, Maria Farandouri performed, much to the delight of the 218 guests.

The Pierikos Society has always had strong representation in all levels within the Pan Macedonian Federation since its establishment in 1979.


The Vergina Hellenic Women’s Cultural Society of the Pan Macedonian Federation of South Australia. Vergina was established in July 1991 to promote the history, culture, ideals and traditions of  Macedonia.  From inception, Vergina’s mission has been to bring the younger people closer to their cultural heritage, instilling a sense of pride in their Macedonian roots.
Vergina boasts a strong cultural and philanthropic calendar of events each year, from  musical performances and their popular Christmas carols function to educational lectures and sponsoring the Flinders University bi-annual Greek Conferences. Not to mention donating countless trays of their famous Macedonian pittes to many not-for-profit Associations.
The ladies of Vergina are most proud of the funds they have raised for charitable causes such as the Anti-Cancer Foundation, the Heart Foundation, the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, the Mary Potter Hospice, the Tsunami disaster and the recent fires in Greece.

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